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    Regarding the custom of Zecher L’Machtzis Hashekel, I have a difficult time finding fifty cent coins. Can I give two quarters, or is there a different way to perform this...

    After the cold months of winter, Baruch Hashem, Purim is rapidly approaching bringing with it all of its warmth and merriment. Of course, one of the major messages of Purim...

    Parashat Teruma describes the Mishkan, the portable Bet Ha’mikdash which accompanied Beneh Yisrael as they traveled in the wilderness, and which would eventually be replaced by the permanent Bet Ha’mikdash. Among...

    Every element of the Mishkan was iconic- symbolizing an important aspect of religious experience. The holiest and, arguably most iconic, article was the Ark or Aron which housed the luchot...

    I. HOLY PROFITS People are motivated to do good for many reasons, among them — but hopefully not primary — is the promise of divine reward. Can that reward be sold...

    New York Mets first baseman Pete Alonso was named the “2019 National League Rookie of the Year” last year. Pete hit 53 homers & became one of the main leaders...

    INGREDIENTS:  11 ounces dark beer 3 tablespoons sesame seed oil 5 large cloves of garlic minced 1 1/2 teaspoons dried oregano 1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper 3-4 pounds...