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    By no stretch of the imagination is Newark, New Jersey, the epicenter of the Torah world. Yet for one evening, the city of Newark hosted the most significant celebration of...

    After the momentous events of the Exodus and the splitting of the Red Sea, climaxing with the drowning of the nine million Egyptians who pursued the Bnei Yisroel, Yisro, Moshe...

    Our tradition has it that maamad Har Sinai was really the culmination of Yetzias Mitzrayim. The Mishna (Avos 6:2) comments on the phrase “charus al hlauchos” (Shemos 32:16) that we...

    After Beneh Yisrael encamped at Mount Sinai, G-d spoke to Moshe and had him convey to the people the terms of the covenant which they entered into at the time...

    Har Sinai is everything!! For the first time in history G-d descended into the human realm and revealed Himself to an entire population of three million strong. This epic revelation...

    What if someone renders your food non-kosher? You are cooking a meat meal and someone pours milk into it, rendering it completely forbidden. You must throw the food out and...