31 Dec Dating & Relationship Advice
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Hi! I’ve been dating a guy seriously for the past few months. I like him. He’s handsome, intelligent, and has a great personality. We’ve started to talk...
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Hi! I’ve been dating a guy seriously for the past few months. I like him. He’s handsome, intelligent, and has a great personality. We’ve started to talk...
I. Whose Revenge? Throughout the ages, many gentiles have hated Jews. We were expelled from many countries, including those which claim to be bastions of refined civilization. What can we do...
Parashat Vayigash begins with Yehuda’s impassioned plea to Yosef to allow his youngest brother, Binyamin, to return home to his father. Yosef, who ruled over Egypt – and whom the...
Hatred of the Jew has been universal , permanent and deep. Death for the Jews has been desired and plotted by the tyrants of every age. Pharaoh, Sancheriv, Nebuchadnezzar, Antiyachus,...
This week marked the conclusion of the 13th cycle of daf yomi drawing massive celebrations cross the Jewish world. Over the past twenty years the daf yomi phenomenon has grown...
Does every store that is under the OU have a mashgiach temidi? Every retail food establishment that is under the OU has a Mashgiach Temidi. Meaning, every restaurant, whether Fleishig...
Yosef gave each of his brothers one set of clothing, however he gave Binyomin five sets, Bereishis 45:22. The gemara in Megillah 17a says that a person should not show...
It was close to 1 a.m., finishing an extremely long and grueling day. I was exhausted, having spent the day travelling to and conducting a funeral, ready and eager to...
Dear Rabbi and Shira , I’m engaged to an awesome girl but I am not sure what to do about her work habits . She has a challenging job that keeps...
INGREDIENTS: For the Cookie Dough • 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour • 1/2 teaspoon salt • 1 stick (1/2 cup) unsalted butter, at room temperature • 1/2 cup packed brown sugar • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar •...