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    Shabbos Nachamu An ancient sefer (written by an Italian gadol) called Sefer Minhag Tov, writes, “It is a good custom not to take a haircut before erev Shabbos Nachamu, and when erev Shabbos Nachamu arrives, one is obligated to take...

    We read in Parashat Va’et’hanan the first of the three paragraphs that comprise the Shema text which we recite each morning and evening. This first paragraph contains the command, “Ve’ahabta Et Hashem Elokecha Be’chol Lebabecha U’b’chol Nafshecha U’b’chol...

    Parshas Va’eschanan is always read on Shabbos Nachamu. V’eschanan. The parsha in which Moshe begs and pleads with HaShem to be allowed to enter Eretz Yisroel along with the Jewish nation. The word va’eschanan is...

    After rising for many years, the di- vorce rate in the United States today is lower than it was a decade ago. But be- fore you celebrate, the reason is not because of a sudden increase in blissful...

    Many people take their families on a getaway for Shabbat Nachamu to refresh after the challenging three weeks of Bein HaMetzarim. When staying at a hotel, many halachic questions arise, whether regarding kashrut, minyanim, modesty, etc. However, Shabbat presents particular...

    Dear Rabbi and Shira, Thanks for your column. I look forward to reading it each week in The Jewish Vues. Here is my issue. At what point should a person start dating?...

    Q. Why are Israeli hechsherim so difficult to understand? When I travel to Eretz Yisrael, how can I know where to eat? A. This is a common question. At home, each person generally knows what is acceptable and up to...

    War is full of tragedy. Soldiers, civilians, society — nothing remains the same. People suffer injury, loss, death and displacement. Israelis today are experiencing not just war but trauma from the horrifically brutal October 7th attacks and the ongoing mobilization,...