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    Please explain what yoshan is. If someone takes upon him or herself to eat yashan, can they eat in someone’s house that does not keep yashan? The Torah tells us...

    When the messengers returned to Yaakov Avinu and reported that Eisav is on his way with four hundred men Yaakov was petrified. The Midrash comments that part of his concern...

    In Parasat VaYishlach, perek 33, pasuk 17, the Torah tells us that Yaakov Aveenu built himself a house and he built for his cattle Succot (huts.) In fact, Yaakov Aveenu...

    Ya’akov hurriedly spirits his camp to safety across the Yabok river to protect them from Esav’s murderous gang. The Torah carefully delineates the transport of his four wives, and his...

    We reach out to G-d with prayer. But when we say the same thing three times a day, it is hard to mean every word. For some of us, the...

    INGREDIENTS: 2/3 cup unsalted margarine , softened to room temperature 2/3 cup white granulated sugar 1 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract 1/4 cup cornstarch 1 2/3 cup all-purpose flour, plus 1-2 tablespoons as needed 1-2 tablespoons...