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    In Bamidbar, Perek Tes Zayin, posuk lamed bais, the posuk tells us that the earth opened its mouth and swallowed Korach and his people and their houses. There is well known...

    INGREDIENTS: 1 1/2 cups watermelon, seeded and diced 1/2 cup water 1 tablespoon honey 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice 1 tablespoon white sugar   DIRECTIONS Blend watermelon, water, honey, lemon juice, and sugar together in a blender until smooth. Pour mixture into ice...

    DO WE SAY G-D’S NAME CORRECTLY? I. G-d’s Grammar In the early seventeenth century, scholars who were both grammarians and Kabbalists debated the proper way to pronounce G-d’s name. The Tetragrammaton (4-letter...

    If I use a Milchig or Fleishig utensil in a Pareve container did I make the container Milchig/Fleishig? If its a liquid that’s kept there for 24 hours then it would...

    While the halacha that a kiddush Hashem b’rabim must take place in the presence of an “edah” is derived from a possuk in Emor (Vayikra 22:32), the definition of the...

    It was not a good scenario. The twelve spies returned from their forty-day sojourn to the Land of Canaan and ten of them were not happy campers. They left as an...