14 May Easy Tomato Gazpacho Soup
This is a great soup for the summer. You don’t even have to turn on the stovetop. You can serve it as an appetizer for Shabbat or an easy weekday meal with...
This is a great soup for the summer. You don’t even have to turn on the stovetop. You can serve it as an appetizer for Shabbat or an easy weekday meal with...
FAST FACTS Name: Klay Alexander Thompson Born: February 8, 1990 (age 29) in Los Angeles, California Position: Shooting guard All Star Games: 5 NBA Champion: 3 times Thompson is the son of former NBA player Mychal Thompson. College: Washington...
While some are counting down to Mother’s Day this Sunday with great excitement and anticipation, many are looking at the calendar with dread and anxiety. For those desperately longing to...
TORAH FROM ISRAEL YOM HAATZMAUT: REDEMPTION UNDER CONSTRUCTION Repeatedly, Dovid Hamelech employs the metaphor of a tower or a fortress to portray redemption. This image of a tall edifice soaring above humanity...
The opening chapter of Kedoshim contains two of the most powerful of all commands: to love your neighbour and to love the stranger. “Love your neighbour as yourself: I am...
The Talmud understood that the main purpose of the books of Neviim and Kesuvim is to give tochacha to Benei Yisrael. If the Jewish people would not had not sinned,...
Master of the Home Once, a salesman approached a home and heard a big commotion inside. When the door was opened by a man, the salesman asked if he could speak to...
Parashat Kedoshim begins with the commandment of “Kedoshim Tiheyhu” – “You shall be holy.” When God issues this command to Moshe, He emphasizes that Moshe must convey it to “Kol...
Now that we are in the midst of the days of sefira, we are very much involved in practicing what it says is the Shulchan Aruch. One should not shave,...
The Torah commands us to keep the Shabbos in Parshas Vayikra, Perek Yud Tes, pesukim lamed and lamed alef. In addition, we are told not to utilize the services of...