07 May Chocolate Chip Cookies
Looking for the perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe? Look no further these are easy to make. Perfectly chewy and delicious INGREDIENTS: 1 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup sugar 1 cup oil 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla 2.5...
Looking for the perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe? Look no further these are easy to make. Perfectly chewy and delicious INGREDIENTS: 1 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup sugar 1 cup oil 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla 2.5...
Name: Todd Brian Frazier Born: February 12, 1986 (age 33) in Toms River, New Jersey MLB Debut: May 23, 2011, for the Cincinnati Reds Teams Played For: Cincinnati Reds (2011–2015) Chicago White Sox (2016–2017) New York Yankees (2017) New...
The period between Pesach and Shavuos contains a mourning period–different days depending on one’s custom–during which certain joyous behaviors are forbidden (commonly called Sefirah because this period also includes the...
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Hi, I’m engaged to a wonderful guy. He treats me well. He gets along well with my family, but i’m having a problem with how sensitive he...
YOUNGER SIBLING MARRYING FIRST Is a woman allowed to marry before her older sister? This opens many emotional issues, as the anxiety over marriage grows as a single person ages. Perhaps...
Parshat Acharei Mot contains one of the more iconic phrases in the entire Torah. After repeatedly stressing the importance of mitzvah observance, the Torah concludes with the phrase “v’chai bahem”...
We read in Parashat Ahareh-Mot of the special service which the Kohen Gadol would perform on Yom Kippur in the Bet Ha’mikdash. One of the many fascinating features of this...
The Gemorah (Moed Koton 14B) understands from the pesukim in parshas Shmini that the kohein gadol does not observe aveilus over the death of a relative. (See Sefer Ginat Egoz,...
Here, on the eastern coast, spring finally seems to be here. It looks nearly certain that we won’t see snowplows until next year and, as the plants start to bloom...
The Inside and the Outside A wealthy Jewish man buys a fabulous home in Beverly Hills, California. He brings in a local workman to decorate the place. When the job is...