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    After the horrific terrorist attacks of October 7, there was a sudden burst of interest in tzitzis. So many people, particularly soldiers, wanted to start wearing tzitzis that there was a severe shortage. Based on the sudden demand, the...

    Parashat Pinhas continues the story that began at the end of the previous parasha, Parashat Balak. After Balak tried to have Bilam place a curse on Beneh Yisrael – an effort that failed – Bilam advised Balak...

    In the beginning of Shacharis, the morning prayer, we say Adon Olam. The Meforshim say that this is very appropriate since the Gemora tells us that Avrahom Avinu was the first to refer to Hashem as Adon, Our Master,...

    The Chinuch (Mitzvah 488) explains the mitzvah of being happy on yom tov. He writes, “The Torah states (Devarim 16:14) V e ’ s a m a c h t a Be’chagecha,’ You shall rejoice in your festivals.’ Chazal (Chagigah 8.) say,...

    INGREDIENTS: Fruit filling 1 pound fresh rhubarb,chopped 1 pound strawberries, chopped 1/2 cup white sugar 1.5 tablespoons cornstarch 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Topping 3/4 cup all purpose flour 1/2 cup brown sugar 2 tablespoons white sugar 6 tablespoons margarine cut into...