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    In the beginning of Sefer Vayikra the Torah tells us that a person must return anything he stole. In connection to this I would like to recount an interesting maaseh...

    INGREDIENTS: 3 lb turkey roast 3 large garlic cloves, cut into matchsticks 3 large rosemary sprigs, leaves removed and minced 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1 1/4 tsp salt Ground black pepper, to taste   DIrECTIONS: It is written that King Achashverus...

    A number of years ago, a follower of Rav Meir Kahane HY”D sent me the rabbi’s posthumously published magnum opus, Or Ha-Ra’ayon, with a request that I review it publicly...

    In the end of Sefer Shemos the Torah tells us that the Yidden who were “nediv lev” donated to the mishkon. The Rambam says that when it comes to hekdesh one...