12 Mar Keep the Whole Torah
In the beginning of Sefer Vayikra the Torah tells us that a person must return anything he stole. In connection to this I would like to recount an interesting maaseh...
In the beginning of Sefer Vayikra the Torah tells us that a person must return anything he stole. In connection to this I would like to recount an interesting maaseh...
Parshat Vayikra lists the various sacrifices or korbanot and their respective procedures. Korbanot punctuate important and potentially transformative life cycle moments: moments of elation and gratitude (korban todah), moments of...
NY Mets star pitcher Noah Syndergaard in 2018 had a 13-4 record, 3.03 ERA and 2.80 FIP in 2018. In 2019 he hopes to stay healthy following a year in...
INGREDIENTS: 3 lb turkey roast 3 large garlic cloves, cut into matchsticks 3 large rosemary sprigs, leaves removed and minced 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1 1/4 tsp salt Ground black pepper, to taste DIrECTIONS: It is written that King Achashverus...
We all know the saying, “Every generation has its challenges.” This is also true when it comes to the holiday of Purim. In ancient Spain, the Marranos were fearful about...
The book of Shemot- which will be concluded this Shabbat – was referred to by our Chazal as the Book of Redemption or “sefer hage’ulah”. The redemptive process which defines...
A number of years ago, a follower of Rav Meir Kahane HY”D sent me the rabbi’s posthumously published magnum opus, Or Ha-Ra’ayon, with a request that I review it publicly...
Parashat Pekudeh continues the Torah’s description of the Mishkan, its furnishings and the priestly garments, a project which was led by a man named Besalel. The Torah tells us that...
In the end of Sefer Shemos the Torah tells us that the Yidden who were “nediv lev” donated to the mishkon. The Rambam says that when it comes to hekdesh one...
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