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    On Oct. 7, Michael Gottesman was shot and thought he didn’t have long to live. With minutes left, this is what he said. On October 7, as a member of the community’s volunteer security team of Shlomit, a community on...

    You don’t need to be a doctor to dispense the medicine of friendship. You simply have to care to look them in the face for eight minutes to make them feel seen and show the kindness of...

    Dear Rabbi and Shira, Hi, I’m engaged to a wonderful guy. He treats me well. He gets along well with my family, but I’m having a problem with how sensitive he is....

    The tefillah of Aleinu is said daily after each tefillah, as well as during the Yamim Nora’im. During the week one can see many people leave shul before reciting this tefillah with the tzibbur, and many say it while walking...

    Even those with only a passing knowledge of the Five Books of Moses recognize the death penalty applied to various sins. The Oral Torah, committed to writing centuries later, explains the procedural limitations to these penalties. However there...

    Parashat Vaera begins in the middle of a difficult exchange between Hashem and Moshe Rabbenu. To briefly review, Hashem had sent Moshe to come before Pharaoh and demand that he release Beneh Yisrael. Moshe did as he was...

    INGREDIENTS: 1/4 cup olive oil 3 yellow onions, thinly sliced 2 tsp crushed garlic cloves 1 tbsp fresh thyme 1/2 cup dry white wine 2 tbsp all purpose flour 2 cups beef broth (or vegetable broth) I use...