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    Is a rabbi allowed to officiate at an intermarriage, a wedding between a Jew and a gentile? Nearly all halachically observant Jews will instinctively answer no. Despite that, I would like to explore some of the issues involved...

    Last week, we elaborated from the Tzror Hamor regarding the verse which says that tefillin are totafos bein einecha, frontlets between our eyes. He informs us that in Egyptian the word totafos refers to the ancient eyeglasses that enabled...

    The Noam Elimelech writes in Tzetel Kattan (16) “Man was created in the world to change his nature.” The Tzetel Kattan gives examples of stubbornness, laziness, shamefulness, someone who doesn’t speak clearly, and someone who isn’t a masmid by nature....

    Parashat Mishpatim presents a lengthy series of civil laws governing a wide range of circumstances. These laws deal with situations such as theft, property damage, bodily harm, lending money, people entrusted with somebody’s object which was lost or ruined,...

    INGREDIENTS: 1/2 pack defrosted phyllo dough (1 roll) 1 cup Greek yogurt 1/2 cup milk (I used 2% - but you can use any type) 4 eggs 1 cup crumbled feta 1 cup shredded mozzarella 2 medium shredded...

    It was the mid-1940s. The horrific days of the Holocaust were coming to a close, yet the cruel acts of Nazi Germany left its mark. It was time to pick up the remnants...

    WHEN YOUR INNER THIEF STEALS YOUR LIFE, YOU CAN RECLAIM A DOUBLE PORTION OF IT The Jewish Parrot After his wife died, an old Jew received a parrot from his sons to keep him company. After a time, he discovered...