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    This week’s parsha carries the name of Pinchas, son of Elazar, grandson of the Kohein Gadol, Aaron. The backstory to this week’s parsha really begins in parshas Balak, When Bilaam attempts to curse Bnei Yisroel....

    The narrative involving Bilaam, Zimri ben Saluh, and the subsequent command to Moshe to take vengeance on Midian in Parashat Pinchas raises several complex questions about the biblical perspective on the actions of various nations towards Israel. When examining the...

    The time of the three weeks is a time when activities. Why do we refrain from activities? What are included in these activities? Below we halachos of the three weeks. Introduction We live in a world today where it is...

    People communicate with words, but Hashem has other forms of communication. For example, Hashem told Eliyahu HaNavi (I Malachim 17:9) “Arise, go to Tzarfat which belongs to Tzidon and sojourn there. Behold, I have commanded a widow there to feed you.” The Chofetz Chaim...