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    Rashi tells us that when Pinchas courageously executed Zimri, the prince of the tribe of Shimon, for engaging in a public act of immorality with Kozbi, the Midyanite Princess, there were those...

    A person hired a taxi while traveling up North in Israel. The emergency siren went off and the driver and passenger quickly ran to an underground shelter. After fifteen minutes the all...

    One of the great Biblical acts of valor was the zealous execution of the Nasi, Zimri, and the Midianite Princess, Kozbi, by the courageous tzaddik, Pinchas.  Although the Torah rarely...

    In this week’s Parsha we learn about the korbanos that were brought on special occasions including Shabbos and Rosh Chodesh. In light of this, Chazal established the davening of Mussaf...

    How do we achieve happiness? Different opinions in the Talmud offer a variety of answers. But what is missing from the list teaches the most important lesson. The Talmud offers multiple...

    The Gemara in Sotah, daf chof alef, amud alef says that learning Torah is a protection for a person and saves a person. The Gemara in Sukka, daf nun bais...

    We know that some women are into jewelry.  The Ben Ish Chai, Zt”l, Zy”a, informs us that Mrs. Korach was one such woman.  He relates that she would adorn herself...

    Generally speaking, a busy rabbi is not allowed to drink alcohol even though most other Jews may freely partake within reason. The Torah (Lev. 10:8-11) forbids priests from ruling on...

    One of the beauties of learning Torah is that, if you apply yourself, you will see new things each time you study over-again any subject of the Torah for the...

    Anybody familiar with the summer camping experience is aware of the lack of space in most bunkhouses. I therefore would like to discuss the topic of food that is kept...