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    Before leading bentching, the grace after meals, the leader typically requests permission from others more worthy to lead. The standard formula is: “With permission of our masters, our teachers and my teachers.“...

    The Gemara in Brachos, daf chof vov, amud bais teaches us that Yaakov established the tefillah of Maariv. An interesting question arises when there are people who daven at an early zman who are near others who daven with a late zman. For example, what is the halacha if Shmuel...

    Recently, on November 9th was the 79th Anniversary of the infamous day known as Kristallnacht, the Night of the Broken Glass.  In a very real way, that night was the...

    It was in the late 1960’s that I  encountered Yonah Meyer Ben Chaim Alexander Ziskind A’H. It was my first Summer as a counselor in Camp Munk and I was...

    The posuk tell us that Yitzchok davened to Hashem  “across from his  wife.” The Rashbam explains that Yitzchok davened for his wife because she was barren. The Meshech Chochma explains that Yitzchok was confident that he would have children since Hashem had promised his father Avrohom that He will...

    I. Teaching Torah Grandparents fulfill a unique mitzvah by teaching their descendants Torah. The Gemara (Kiddushin 30a) offers someone named Zevulun ben Dan as an example of the highest level of parental Torah...

    What comes to your mind first when I mention Yitzchak Avinu, Yitzchak, our Patriarch?  You’ll probably say, rightfully so, the Akeidas Yitzchak – when Yitzchak allowed himself to be offered...