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    Parashat Shelah tells the tragic story of the meragelim – the spies who were sent to see the Land of Israel before the Jewish People journeyed there. The spies conspired to bring back a frightening report about...

    The tfilah of Elokai n’tzor continues, “V’limkal’lai nafshi sidom – May my soul be quiet to those that curse me.” Now, cursing is a rather radical action. The Siddur Meforesh includes that it means, “To those that insult me.”...

    The Chazon Ish zt’l said, “It is impossible to pass through this world without troubles. The difference between people is how they accept them. Some people pass through the world laughing, and some pass through the world crying. It is better to...

    INGREDIENTS: 2 tablespoons sesame oil Two bags defrosted, cauliflower rice One bag mixed frozen vegetables, defrosted 2 teaspoons soy sauce 2 teaspoons garlic powder 1 teaspoon ginger Two eggs scrambled DIRECTIONS: This is a great low carb alternative to fried rice....

    Parashat Shelah tells the tragic story of “Het Ha’meragelim” – the sin of the spies, who were sent to scout the Land of Israel in advance of Beneh Yisrael’s entry into the land. The spies returned and...

    A mission gone awry. In this week’s parsha, Shelach, we learn of the meraglim, scouts sent to check out the Promised Land, prior to Bnei Yisroel settling there. As Moshe recounts, the people said,...

    I was speaking with a nurse in a doctor’s office last Friday when mid- conversation, responding to something I said, she used the word “bashert.” The word made no sense in context and it was clear as she...