01 Mar Making Kiddush Ba’al Peh & Being Motzi Others
The Shulchan Aruch in Orach Chaim, siman mem tes paskens that despite the fact that one is not allowed to say the words of the Torah Shebichsav (written Torah) ba’al...
The Shulchan Aruch in Orach Chaim, siman mem tes paskens that despite the fact that one is not allowed to say the words of the Torah Shebichsav (written Torah) ba’al...
The Gotta Go app allows you to program excuses in advance. With the press of a button, you can active time-delayed texts and/or phone calls that will interrupt your uncomfortable...
The Gemara in Bava Kama, daf peh heh, amud alef says that from the posuk, “Verapo Yerape” we see that a doctor has permission to heal another person and one...
A woman with a baby carriage walked into a jewelry store one day with a big smile on her face. “Today is my tenth anniversary,” she announced. “My husband told...
Who should be our Torah role models from history? Put differently, what characteristics of the great Torah leaders of the past should serve as our guides? Every individual teaches many...
The Gemara in Megilah daf vov amud bais says that the fourteenth and fifteenth of the first Adar it is forbidden to eulogize and to fast. The Rosh in Megilah in...
From the time of the Gemora, Jews have asked people who merited long life the perennial question, Bameh harachtah yomim – What do you attribute your longevity to? In the...
With the help of Hashem, several years ago I completed writing a commentary on bentching. (As an aside, if you are interested in purchasing this bencher, please call me at...
I was asked about shoveling snow on Shabbos. This is a question that you need to ask your rabbi, but I′ll discuss the issues without drawing a conclusion. I. Muktzah One issue is...
Contrary to common opinion, the traditional Jewish greeting of “Shalom aleichem” is not a wish for peace. It is a fulfillment of the ancient enactment to greet others with God’s...