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    Miriam’s Act of Patience: Payback Time Comes Years Later When Miriam the prophetess was afflicted with Tza’raas, she was required to remain outside the camp, per the prescribed procedure. During the time, the nation did not proceed on their journey....

    In our Maariv prayers, we thank Hashem for being, “Machalif es hazmanim – Changing the seasons.” Since it adds spice and variety to life, we acknowledge our appreciation for this on a daily basis. And although every season...

    It states (Tehillim 32:10) “For him who trusts in Hashem – Hashem’s kindness will encompass him.” The Midrash says on this pasuk, “Even if a person is a rasha if he trusts in Hashem, he will be enveloped in Hashem’s...

    Parshas Beha’aloscha opens with HaShem instructing Moshe to speak to Aaron regarding the lighting of the menorah. A task that Aaron, as Kohen Gadol, was honored with. “Va’yaas kein Aaron, And Aaron did so...

    INGREDIENTS: Salad Chop the following One small head of cabbage one bunch of scallions 3 to 4 Persian cucumbers Dressing Put the following ingredients inside a blender 1 bunch parsley 2 cups spinach 4 cloves of garlic Half a red onion 1/4 cup...