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    Not everyone can travel this summer. For some, it is difficult to take time off, for others the high cost is a barrier, and for others, there are physical or health challenges that make it impossible. However, there are...

    Dear Rabbi and Shira, I’m not sure what to do. I’ve been married for a year and a half. When we dated, I felt like we had better communication, but now,...

    I. Singling Out a Teaching When you say something, sometimes the loudest part is what you leave unsaid. The Gemara (Bava Basra 164b) warns against praising someone because that can lead to criticizing him. While this needs to be...

    Everyone is aware that the High Holiday period between Rosh HaShannah and Yom Kippur is a period of judgment (Din). However, not everyone is aware that the Ari z”l and the Shaloh HaKodesh write that there is judgment...

    How is it possible for a mortal human being to cling to Hashem? The Rambam answers that by cleaving to talmidei chochomim, you are fulfilling this posuk. Why is that? Because a talmid chochom has Torah in him....

    The purpose of mattan Torah is to believe in Hashem. As the Vilna Gaon zt’l (Mishlei 19:22) עיקר נתינת- התורה לישראל- הוא ,writes was Torah The “, בכדי שישימו -’בטחונם בה given, primarily, so that they...