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    There is a direct link between the beginning of Parshas Vaera and the end of Parshas Shemos. At the end of Shemos, Moshe Rabbeinu and Aharon finally appear in front of Pharaoh. They present Hashem’s demand “Send out My...

    In this week’s parsha, the Torah sometimes says, “Moshe and Aharon,” and other times it says, “Aharon and Moshe,” putting Aharon first. Rashi explains that the switch is to convey that in Hashem’s Mind, both were of equal stature....

    A wife told her husband, “Our wall isn’t soundproof, and our neighbors hear our conversations. We don’t have privacy. We need a new wall.” The husband replied, “There is nothing to worry about. The wall is soundproof. No one...

    Before beginning the story of the ten plagues which G-d brought upon Egypt, it presents the genealogy of the first three tribes of Israel – Reuben, Shimon and Levi. Rashi (6:14) explains that the Torah wanted to tell...

    There is a mitzvah to light neiros on Erev Shabbos in honor of the holy Shabbos. Some poskim maintain the obligation is d’orasia, however, most poskim say it is a d’rabbanan. The Gemorah in Shabbos states, “if one is rugel...

    Today we access Torah texts in many more ways than in the past. Of course, we primarily use printed texts (sefer, sefarim) in our learning. But very often we also access texts and write our own notes...

    Parshas Shemos can be considered a historic parsha. A seminal event in Jewish history occurred in this week’s parsha that has effects until today: This is the parsha in which the Almighty chooses Moshe to lead the Jewish people...

    This week, we take leave of Chumash Bereishis and start Chumash Shmos. As we close the final aliya of sefer Bereishis, we say in shul three times, “Chazak.” The Elya Rabbah says that three times the value of chazak...