When I meet with people in my office, I leave my phone on my desk, behind us and out of reach. This week during a meeting, my phone rang. As I was apologizing and reaching to turn...
When I meet with people in my office, I leave my phone on my desk, behind us and out of reach. This week during a meeting, my phone rang. As I was apologizing and reaching to turn...
Our parasha, Mishpatim, is perhaps the first to clearly indicate that Am Yisrael should proceed to conquer and settle the Land of Israel. The pasuk states (23; 20- 31): “Behold, I send an angel before you to protect you...
Dear Rabbi and Shira , I’m feeling sad and unsure of how to proceed, and I’d appreciate some advice. For context, I got married a little less than a year ago....
One of the most common areas of halacha which people have different customs is in regard to drinking cholov stam. What is cholov stam? How is cholov Yisroel made? Do government regulations permit the drinking of non-Jewish milk? Do those who...
Parashat Yitro tells of Ma’amar Har Sinai – Hashem’s revelation to Beneh Yisrael at Mount Sinai, and the Aseret Ha’dibberot. Rashi, in his commentary to Shir Hashirim (4:5), makes a fascinating comment about the Aseret Ha’dibberot. He writes that...
The release of hostages in recent instances h a s o f t e n taken place on Shabbat. Footage of these events is being viewed worldwide, and as a Shabbat-observant nation, we would watch it only after...
The Rabbeinu Efraim teaches us that the letter shin embedded on the tefillin shel rosh, the tefillin that goes upon the head, has a numerical value of 300. This number corresponds to the 300 days of the solar year...
After the Torah told of Beneh Yisrael’s departure from Egypt, it spoke of their experiences in the desert. It described the great miracles performed for them, showing us how G-d cared for our ancestors and ensured their sustenance...
I. Anger Is Bad Anger is a destructive force. It does not just cloud judgment, which would imply reliance on instinct. Anger overwhelms judgment, taking you in directions to which your rational mind and your other, less powerful,...
Our Sages teach that the reason why Yisro merited to have a parsha in the Torah named for him was because of the counsel that he gave to his son-in- law, Moshe. People lined up for Moshe to adjudicate...