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    Ever since the State of Israel came into existence, there has been a debate whether or not to recite Hallel on Yom Ha’atzma’ut. We will discuss the reasoning of those who feel it should be recited and the majority opinion...

    ARAYES INGREDIENTS: 1.5 – 2lbs ground beef/lamb (you can mix or do either or) 1 cup parsley finely chopped 1 medium onion - finely chopped 1 tsp Baharat (Pereg and Lior brands make one available at most kosher...

    I. A Time for War Koheles (3:6) notwithstanding, there is never a good time for war. We hope and pray for a time when there will be no war. But when war is necessary, presumably there should be...

    One of the commands in Parashat Kedoshim is Lo Ta’auninu (19:26), which refers to a certain type of witchcraft which was common in the ancient world. The people would decide what to do based on superstitions, determining that...

    Here, on the eastern coast, spring finally seems to be here. It looks nearly certain that we won’t see snowplows until next year and, as the plants start to bloom and the temperatures rise, Klal Yisroel collectively takes out...

    One of the mitzvos of this week’s parashah is (Vayikra 19:18) Lo Sikom, that we may not take revenge. The Sefer HaChinuch (mitzvah 241) writes: “It is the way of most people to avenge those who caused them trouble or distress. They...