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    When did you start performing at the Camp HASC concert? 14 years ago was my first time. Fill in the blank: When Moshiach comes__________ We will need a lot of new songs. Fill in the blank: Back...

    Dear Rabbi and Shira , Hi. I’m a weekly reader of your column. I figured this was the right place to ask my question. On my friend’s very first date, she got...

    The Jewish people have al-ways focused on birthdays. On Pesach, we celebrate the birth of the Jewish nation. We say in Mussaf that the world was created on Rosh H-shana. Many question whether making a birthday party is a Jewish...

    In 1927, when Rav Ahron Soloveichik was 10 years old, he sent a letter to his older brother Rav Joseph B. Soloveitchik, who at the time was studying in Berlin. The young Ahreleh wrote an impressive essay, which is...

    In the beginning of Parashat Tetzaveh, Hashem commands Beneh Yisrael to provide pure olive oil for the kindling of the menorah. Our Rabbis teach that olive oil was used for the menorah because the Jewish Nation is compared...

    INGREDIENTS: 2 cups of shredded chicken One onion, chopped Two carrots, chopped 1/3 cup flour 3 cups chicken broth One cup frozen peas Two frozen pie shells DIRECTIONS: This is a great way to repurpose leftover chicken. Any leftover chicken will do...

    Moshe Not Mentioned In Tezaveh: The Tribute of Anonymity There is a very famous statement of the Baal HaTurim in this week’s parsha. The Baal HaTurim notes that this is the only Parsha in the Torah after the birth...