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    INGREDIENTS: Salad 1 bag defrosted shelled edamame 4-6 Persian cucumbers, chopped 1 bunch scallions, chopped 2 avocados, chopped Dressing: 1/4 c olive oil 1/4 c rice vinegar 2 tbsp sesame oil 2 tbsp soy sauce 1 tsp grated ginger 1 clove ginger,...

    At the request of his parents, I recently met with a young man who had stopped going to Shul on Shabbos morning. (People think when we get semicha, Rabbis get a magic wand that we can wave and...

    Dear Rabbi and Shira, I’m married for a year and a half. I have a problem. I can’t stand my husband’s best friend. I feel like he’s a bad influence on my...

    The Mitzvah One is obligated to send mishloach manos on Purim to his friend etc. This mitzvah was introduced during the time of Mordechai and Esther and is considered a divrei kabbalah mitzvah and not a d’oraisa. There are two basic...

    I recently drove on my own from Brooklyn to Monsey for a wedding. I wanted to listen to 10 minute mini-shiurim but because I was driving alone, I would not be able to manipulate my phone to switch...

    Parashat Vayakhel begins with Moshe commanding the people to observe Shabbat. He says: Sheishet Yamim Taaseh Melachah, U’byom Hashevii Yehiyeh Lachem Kodesh Shabbat Shabbaton L’Hashem- “For six days, work shall be done; and on the seventh, there shall be...

    The Torah in Parashat Ki-Tisa reiterates the command to observe Shabbat, explaining that Shabbat makes us realize “Ki Ani Hashem Mekadishchem” – “that I am the G-d who makes you sacred” (31:13). Somehow, the institution of Shabbat demonstrates that...