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    According to a new ADL report, antisemitism in the United States has “skyrocketed” since Hamas’s October 7 invasion of Israel. In the last three months, there were 3,283 antisemitic incidents including 60 physical assaults, 553 incidents of vandalism and 1,353...

    INGREDIENTS: Two cans of solid white tuna in water drained 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard 2 tablespoons honey 3 tablespoons mayo Salt and pepper to taste 1/2 red bell pepper finely chopped DIRECTIONS: I love honey mustard tuna from the bagel store but...

    Dear Rabbi and Shira, I started dating a guy from across the country on zoom and everything was going well for the first 2 months. We got along well, and we enjoyed...

    The Mitzvah There is a great mitzvah for one to be involved with making shidduchim between a boy and girl. Hashem was the first shadchan in the world who made the shidduch between Adom and Chavah. The Chozeh from Lublin is...

    The 1848 (5608- 9) cholera epidemic has become famous in Jewish history because it was the moment when the 37- year old Rav Yisrael Salanter first took on a leadership role. Rav Dov Katz, in his Tenu’as Ha-Mussar (vol....

    Parashat Yitro is named after Yitro, Moshe Rabbenu’s father-in- law, who had been an idolater and then decided to embrace Judaism and join the Jewish People. When he arrived, Moshe and the people greeted him with great respect, and...

    The bracha of Modim, Thanks, continues with Tzur chaiyenu, Hashem is the Rock of our lives. The Maggid Tzedek explains the metaphor simply: Hashem protects us like an impenetrable rock. The Eitz Yosef gives it a deeper meaning: Just...