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    Yosef told Pharoah (41:25) “What Hashem is doing, He has told Pharaoh.” Reb Moshe Minder zt’l (Toras Avos) explains that Yosef told Pharaoh that everything that occurs in the world, Hashem does it. Pharaoh replied (41:39) “There...

    “V’lo zochar sar hamashkim es Yosef, va’yishkocheihu, And the chief wine butler didn’t remember Yosef, and he forgot him” (Bereishis 40:23) The closing words of last week’s parsha, Vayeishev. Words that seem redundant. Didn’t remember...

    Fill in the blank: Galus will end when _________________ When all Yidden love each other and they are B’Agudah Achas that’s what the Midrash Tanchuma tells us What is your most prized sefer? A...

    As we all know, we use olive oil to light the Chanukah menorah. Recently, olive oil has become very popular for its health benefits. Olive oil has many other uses as well (see below). In previous years, its...

    I. Davening for a Soldier We daven for a time when there will be no more war. We also daven that until that time arrives, our soldiers return from the battlefield to their families and their lives. Is...

    Parashat Vayeshev tells the story of Yosef, who was sold as a slave by his brothers, and brought down to Egypt. He became the slave of an Egyptian nobleman named Potifar, and within a very short period...