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    ASARA B’TEVES IS THIS FRIDAY, JANUARY 10 Many people feel that a fast day is a day to sleep and relax. However, a fast day is really a time for retrospecting and doing teshuva. Many different halachos are...

    Over the past half century, the Orth- odox community has grown tremendously in its practice of married women covering their hair. At what point must a bride start covering her hair? Historically, Jewish marriage has consisted of two stages —...

    Before Yaakov Avinu’s death, Yosef came to visit him with his two sons, Efrayim and Menashe. Yaakov gave them a blessing, and then pronounced, “that forever more, when Jews bless their sons, they will do so by saying,...

    Parashat Vayigash features one of the most dramatic stories in the entire Torah – Yosef’s revelation to his brothers. Many years earlier, when Yosef was just seventeen-years-old, his brothers threw him into a pit, with the intention...

    This Shabbos, Parshas Vayigash, we read of the emotional moment when Yosef revealed his true identity to his brothers. “Ani Yosef, I am Yosef, ha’od avi chai, is my father still alive? And the...

    In his book, “The Anatomy of Hope: How People Prevail in the Face of Illness,” Dr. Jerome Groopman shares the following story: Barbara received another three courses of chemotherapy, but the tumor seemed to shrug off the drugs....

    Someone in a place where songs associated with idolatry are played, such as during the Christian holiday season, is not prohibited from hearing them. However, it is correct to refrain from enjoying them, as doing so is distasteful. The...

    Dear Rabbi and Shira , Hi. I’m engaged to a great guy. My issue with him is that he seems very indecisive in terms of which career to pursue. After many...