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    Parashat Vaera tells of the process of Yetziat Mitzrayim, how Hashem punished the Egyptians until Pharaoh finally let Beneh Yisrael leave. This story is all about freedom, about our ancestors’ release from the chains of bondage and being...

    INGREDIENTS: 3 large carrots, chopped 2 large onions, chopped 1 package meat bones 1 package whole Grunkern 12 qts chicken broth Salt and pepper to taste DIRECTIONS: Do you have a memory of food from your youth? I have so many - including...

    In this all-encompassing sixteenth blessing, we ask Hashem, “Shema koleinu – Listen to our voices.” In his sefer Beis Elokim, the Mabit explains that we choose to say the words our voices, to ask Hashem that even if...

    The pasuk in this week’s parashah states (7:7) “Moshe was eighty years old, and Aharon was eighty- three years old when they spoke to Pharaoh.” Why does the Torah tell us their ages? Reb Shimon Shwab zt’l explains that mentioning their...

    Surprisingly, the Torah in Parashat Vaera interrupts the story of the Exodus from Egypt with a genealogical record of the first three of the tribes of Israel – Reuben, Shimon and Levi. It lists the names of...

    Beis Shevat. Yahrtzeit of my dear father, HaRav Meshulem ben HaRav Osher Anshil HaLevi, zt”l. It is now twenty-eight years since my father’s petira. My husband remarked to me that twenty-eight, kof-twenty, ches-eight, is the gematria...

    For most of the 20th century, the vast majority of Jews in the United States identified with the Democratic Party and voted for Democratic candidates. Even now, according to Pew, seven in ten Jewish adults identify with or lean...