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    Parashat Vayera begins with Avraham Avinu sitting outside his tent during the heat of the day, looking out for guests. Avraham at this time was reeling from his berit milah, which he had performed just days earlier....

    The Be’er Mayim Chaim (Noach) discusses how s u p e r n a t u r a l miracles happened to Avraham, but not to Noach. Avraham threw the earth, and it was transformed into weapons. He was thrown into...

    Am Yisroel is now entering week 4 of a most difficult war. Week 4 of much pain and heartache, of many tears being shed; for lives lost, for the injured and for those...

    INGREDIENTS: 2 pounds of colorful cherry tomatoes 1 dozen chopped Kalamata olives 2 tablespoons capers 2 pounds of trimmed green beans DIRECTIONS: Green beans are such a fantastic vegetable. Anyway you make them they come out delicious. These green beans with...