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    In memory of Michael Laves z”l, a good friend who always greeted people enthusiastically I. Have a Good Year Many people greet each other on Rosh Hashanah with blessings for a good year, “Shanah tovah.” Rav Ya’akov Ben Asher,...

    We often picture G-d this time of year as a judge, sitting at His bench, waiting to catch us, judge us and hold us accountable. Not only is this not a healthy and constructive image, it is not...

    The Custom of Tashlich We all know that when it comes to Rosh Hashanah there is a custom to go to tashlich and say tefillos there. Those who don’t go then go during aseres yemi teshuva. Where did this custom come...

    The custom of most people is to fast on Erev Rosh Hashanah. What is the source and reason for this? Does it apply to everyone? Until what time in the day does one have to fast? If one fasted...

    On the first day of Rosh HaShana, the haftara is the story of Chana, from the Book of Shmuel. It is the story of a woman who longed for a child, a woman...

    CORNED BEEF WITH GLAZE INGREDIENTS: one 3-4 lb corned beef Half a cup of ketchup Half a cup of brown sugar Quarter cup white vinegar Quarter cup of mustard 2 tablespoons oil DIRECTIONS: This is a family favorite. It’s...

    There is a tradition that the Ten Days of Repentance – the period from Rosh Hashanah through Yom Kippur – correspond to the Ten Commandments. Each day of this ten-day period is somehow associated with the corresponding commandments. According...