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    The month of Elul is an extraordinary time of opportunity and investment. Firstly, it is the last month of the year and we have a Talmudic rule that, “Hakol holeich achar hachasom – Everything is determined by the...

    M a n y have the custom to bentch their children on Friday night. Where does this custom come from? Should the blessings be given before or after coming home from shul? Should one use one hand or two hands?...

    Five conversations that should take place over the course of dating and even within marriage itself. What are the critical things to look for in dating to determine if someone is suitable for marriage? Drs. John and Julie Gottman...

    During this time of year, when families and individuals find themselves with a break between camp and school, it’s common to plan trips to various destinations. However, traveling raises important questions about the spiritual atmosphere of such places. Choosing kosher...

    Dear Rabbi and Shira, It’s that time of the year that we leave the five towns and visit my in- laws family in LA. You might think it’s great. I don’t...

    INGREDIENTS: 1 stick margarine room temperature 3 tablespoons oil 2 eggs 1 cup sugar Zest of 1 orange 1 teaspoon almond extract 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 1/2 cups all purpose flour 1/2 cup almond flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 3/4...

    This week’s parsha, Ki Seitzei, includes seventy-four of the Torah’s six-hundred- thirteen mitzvos, the most of any one parsha. Amongst them are laws concerning family – such as the inheritance of the firstborn, and the...