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    I. AI as a Posek Everyone is talking about the implications of artificial intelligence (AI). While the current version of AI frequently gives laughably incorrect answers, it offers us a realistic idea of the possibility of a coherent technology...

    The beracha of shehechiyanu applies to many different areas such as Yom Tov, purchasing new items, performing mitzvahs and eating new fruits. This issue will focus on the beracha of shehechiyanu as it applies to new fruits and other daily applications. The...

    INGREDIENTS: 3 pounds ground beef 1 small onion, grated 3 tablespoons of your favorite bbq sauce 3/4 cup Jason seasoned breadcrumbs 1 egg 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper 1 6oz package of pastrami diced and sautéed in olive oil with 1...

    The Meor Einayin (Likutim) writes, “Sometimes a rasha wants to commit an aveirah, but something comes up that prevents him from doing so. This is also from Hashem. Hashem conceals Himself in those obstacles, hoping the person will repent. But, nevertheless, man has free...

    The purpose of hardship is to help people remember Hashem. When everything goes smoothly, people tend to forget about Hashem. It shouldn’t be that way. We should remember Hashem during the good times as well to praise Him, but the nature of...

    The end of an era. Bnei Yisroel’s forty- year journey through the desert was coming to a close. Forty years of travels, encampments and life lessons, during which members of the older generation passed away. In...

    Three times Bilam attempted to curse Beneh Yisrael, and all three times, Hashem forced him to pronounce beautiful blessings, instead. When he made his third and final attempt, he introduced his prophecy by saying, “These are the words of...

    Parashat Hukat tells the story of Moshe hitting the rock, and how Hashem punished him severely for this sin, decreeing that he would not enter into the Land of Israel. The most common understanding of this episode is...