Today there are many people who do not wear tzitzis, or in fact do wear them but do not know the merits and power of the c o m m a n d m e n...
Today there are many people who do not wear tzitzis, or in fact do wear them but do not know the merits and power of the c o m m a n d m e n...
What other people think about me is none of my business.” While empowering and comforting, is this quote from Eleanor Roosevelt true? Should we care what people think and say about us? Should...
In the past few weeks, Canada has been ravaged by massive wildfires, leading to widespread evacuations and the burning of over 3.3 million hectares of land. Usually, the Canadian wildfire season occurs between May...
A pareve soup is made with dairy utensils and a dairy pot. It’s then warmed up using a fleishig bowl and a fleishig spoon. What’s the status? The halacha is that it’s...
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Hi. I love reading your column. I’m having an issue. I’m newly married and am having difficulty getting anything done. My wife calls me all the time...
Can one buy frozen fruits that are not checked like strawberries, blackberries etc and blend it for a fruit shake? How about vegetables unchecked for a shake? Any fruit or berry that needs...
As a child, Holocaust survivor Leo Ullman attended baseball games at Ebbets Field in Brooklyn with his aunt, who believed it would help him become more American.Last Thursday, Ullman, a...
Parashat Behaalotecha tells of how Beneh Yis- rael started complaining during travel, and how Hashem severely pun- ished them. The Torah states,”Vayehi Haam K’misoninim,” which seems to mean, “The people were complain- ing.” But Rashi explains that this...
This past Sunday Ari Hirsch/Jewish Vues marched with & interviewed New York Mayor Eric Adams at the Israeli Day Parade. One of the fun questions that were asked was: WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE KOSHER...
I. Shadchan for the Masses There is a recent Netflix series about a real shadchan, matchmaker, who sets people up to date for marriage. This raises an interesting question about matchmaking ethics and halachah. I have not seen the show...