This article is dedicated as an aliyas neshamah for my dear mother, Rebbetzin Esther bas HaRav Avrohom HaLevi a”h, who was born on the first Seder night. As my zeide was...
This article is dedicated as an aliyas neshamah for my dear mother, Rebbetzin Esther bas HaRav Avrohom HaLevi a”h, who was born on the first Seder night. As my zeide was...
Rabbi Simcha Scholar founded and has led one of the most impactful and inspiring organizations in the Jewish world. Chai Lifeline, with its renowned Camp Simcha and many other related...
One of the sacrifices discussed in Parashat Sav is the Korban Toda, or thanksgiving offering. A person who emerged safely from certain dangerous situations – illness, captivity, desert travel or an overseas trip – was required to bring this...
One of the main staples of the holiday of Pesach is the Matzah. We are all familiar with the Matzah--a very thin, crunchy, cardboard looking “cracker” with holes all over it. But what would be the reaction of one...
One of the more intriguing stages of the seder on Pesach is yahatz – when we split the middle matzah. We take the larger piece and put it in a...
UNSTUFFED CABBAGE INGREDIENTS: 1 large cabbage, cored and sliced 1 ¼ cups ketchup 1 15oz can diced tomatoes 4 cups ginger ale 2 lbs chopped meat 1 egg Salt and pepper to taste DIRECTIONS: All the flavor of stuffed cabbage...
Ten Ways to Know He’s Not for Your Daughter Someone sent me this email. Here are the top ten ways to Know the guy your daughter brought home for the Pesach Seder isn’t going to work out...
The Tur (430) writes, “The Shabbos before Pesach is Shabbos HaGadol because a nes gadol, a great miracle, happened on that day. [On this final Shabbos in Mitzrayim], everyone took a sheep for the korban...
Pesach. So many special recollections. Warm memories of family gathering together. A beautifully set Seder table. A bubby’s special Pesach recipes. Singing the familiar Seder songs. A night to follow time-honored traditions, passed down from generation...
Some people dread Pesach preparation time, but not for the reason you think. As challenging as it can be to search for and eliminate chametz, chametz isn’t rude, it isn’t insensitive, and it doesn’t hurt feelings. People, on...