Dear Rabbi and Shira, Thanks so much for your column. My family and I read it every week! Here’s my question. My husband and I agreed when we were engaged that we...
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Thanks so much for your column. My family and I read it every week! Here’s my question. My husband and I agreed when we were engaged that we...
Now that Purim is behind us, the countdown to Pesach has official begun complete with its angst, anxiety, stress, and Sadly, many people associate Pesach with backbreaking work, exorbitant expenses, endless preparation, and bread deprivation. It is not unusual...
HOW DO YOU JUDGE YOUR WORTH? Counting the Jews The opening verses of this week’s Torah portion, Ki Sisa, convey G-d’s instruction to Moses on how to count the Jewish people. When it is necessary to conduct a census,...
There was once a priest who was very ill with wounds all over his body, and he asked the Baal Shem Tov for a cure. The Baal Shem Tov told him that his illness...
Parashat Ki-Tisa begins with the Misva of “Maha- sit Ha’shekel” – the mandatory half- shekel tax that was imposed upon all members of Beneh Yisrael. The first time this tax was collected, the silver coins were used to make...
I was once speaking with somebody suffering from an eating disorder. After hearing about the terrible condition that this patient was going through, I observed that this person had “a backward switch” – something in the body’s system...
I. Respecting Your Torah Teacher Calling a Torah scholar by his title is a matter of showing honor to the Torah. You must show respect to your mentor, your rebbe, by, for example, rising when he enters a room...
The verse [pasuk] in Mishlei [Proverbs] says, “A person with generosity of spirit (Tov Ayin) he will blessed” [Mishlei 22:9]. The Yalkut identifies the subject of the pasuk as Moshe Rabbeinu. As support for the idea that Moshe...
In this week’s parsha, Ki Sisa, we learn of Betzalel being designated as the “general contractor”, the man in charge of the construction of the Mishkan. Anyone who ever did construction in their home knows...
A person is in the midst of his Purim seudah & his neighbor knocks on the door to say that they are having a minyan for ma’ariv. He leaves his seudah and davens ma’ariv for chol. When he gets...