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    By Virtue of the Running of Avraham, Israel Received the Torah The pasuk [verse] says “And G-d appeared to him in Elonei Mamre.” This is a strange construction. Rather than saying...

    Through the media, we are constantly bombarded by death. This preoccupation with death tends to prey on a person’s mind and fill him with fears and worries. So too, as...

    Akedat Yitzhak, when Avraham was commanded to sacrifice his son and he immediately complied – until at the last minute G-d told him to withdraw his knife, as this was...

    We read in Parashat Vayera the famous story known as “Akedat Yishak,” where G-d commanded Abraham Abinu to offer his son, Yishak, as a sacrifice. This story begins by telling...

    The Value of a Yid Someone sent his butler to bring a barrel of wine as a gift to the Meor Einayim, Rebbe Nachum of Chernobyl zt’l. (In that era...

    The Jewish people have always focused on birthdays. On Pesach, we celebrate the birth of the Jewish nation. We say in Mussaf that the world was created on Rosh Hashana. Many question whether making a birthday party is a Jewish custom. Indeed, there...