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    Is there an issue with having alcoholic seltzer? Does an alcoholic seltzer need a hechsher? We’ve already certified a very large company that makes alcoholic seltzer; it’s very popular. It is...

    FAST FACTS: Name: Rowan Alexander “RJ” Barrett Jr. NickName: Maple Mamba Born: June 14, 2000 (age 20) in Toronto, Ontario Height: 6 ft 6 in Weight: 202 lb Position: Shooting guard / Small forward College: Duke...

    As we stood at Har Sinai, the Torah testifies that, “Vayichan sham Yisroel, neged haHar;” the Jews encamped in front of the mountain. The commentaries immediately pounce that the word...

    A university professor once delivered a speech in front of a group of students, and he asked, “How many people in the room consider themselves leaders?” Very few students raised their...

    The purpose of mattan Torah is to believe in Hashem. As the Vilna Gaon zt’l (Mishlei 19:22) writes, ידכב†אוה†לארשיל†הרותה†תניתנ†רקיע†הב†םנוחטב‘†ומישיש, “The Torah was given, primarily, so that they will place their...