The Rabbinical Council of America, the leading membership organization of orthodox rabbis in North America, mourns the death of Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski, zt”l, on a day that saw the...
The Rabbinical Council of America, the leading membership organization of orthodox rabbis in North America, mourns the death of Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski, zt”l, on a day that saw the...
Klal Yisrael suffered a great loss this past Sunday with the petirah of Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski z”l. Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski zt’l , a prolific author, prominent...
CLIMBING THE HOTEL Bill, Jim and Scott were at a convention together sharing a large suite at the top of a 75-story hotel. After a long day of meetings, they were...
There is a wellknown controversy surrounding the chronological timing of when Yisro arrived to visit the Bnei Yisroel in the desert. It revolves around whether he came before Matan Torah,...
Our tradition has it that maamad Har Sinai was really the culmination of Yetzias Mitzrayim. The Mishna (Avos 6:2) comments on the phrase “charus al hlauchos” (Shemos 32:16) that we...
Last week, within the span of just a few days, two individuals both became extraordinarily wealthy in an instant. A Powerball ticket-holder in Maryland won the $731 million jackpot and...
The Torah discusses Moshe’s children, “The name of one [son] was Gershom… and the name of one son was Eliezer…” (18:3-4). It seems that it should have stated “the name...
In the recently published issue of the Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society (no. 75), Rav Avraham Yeshaya Cohen writes about the impact of praying alone (during Coronavirus) on the...
In Parshas Yisro we see the topic of respecting your father and mother so that you merit to live a long life. The Chinuch in Mitzvah 33 says that the...
Q: One of my co-workers brought in a box of chocolate-covered grasshoppers to the office. Many people tried them, but since I keep kosher I begged off, saying that I...