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    Why do we say Birchas Kohanim in Birchas Hatorah? There is a distinct difference between the chochma of the Torah and other chochmos. All the other chochmos in the world...

    In the order of the mishnayos, Maseches Sotah follows Masaeches Nazir. The Talmud explains that this is based on the pesukim in parshas Naso, where the parshiyos of nazir and sotah...

    Parshat Naso contains the law of the Nazirite – the individual who undertook to observe special rules of holiness and abstinence: not to drink wine or other intoxicants (including anything...

    As we are now just seeing Shavuos in our rearview mirror, some of us might be wondering why our Torah learning isn’t getting you anywhere. Why is it, perhaps, that...

    Following is the recommended list of daily brachos according to the Mishnah Brurah (46:14), based on the assumption that the obligation begins at night: • Before bed • Hamapil (1)...

    This is a no hassle no effort meal. Easy to make and delicious to eat.   INGREDIENTS: 2 large chicken breasts, cut into 1 1/2” – 2” chunks 1 1/2 cups of your favorite BBQ sauce 1 lb Mexican Turkey check...