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    INGREDIENTS: 3 medium uncooked acorn squash 2 tsp olive oil 1 medium onion chopped (1 1/2 cups) 2 tsp minced garlic 3/4 tsp ground cumin, divided 1/2 tsp table salt, divided 1/8 tsp ground cinnamon 15 oz chickpeas,...

    Name: Louis Linwood Voit Born: February 13, 1991 (age 27 years) in Wildwood, MO Height: 6’ 3” Weight: 225 lbs Bats: Right-handed Position: First Base Education: Lafayette High School He made his MLB debut in 2017 with...

    In Devarim, Perek Chof Zayin, posuk heh it says that one is prohibited from lifting metal over a mizbeach. The Shulchan Aruch, in siman kuf peh says that the minhag is to cover the knife on the table...

    In a responsum about bas mitzvah celebrations, Rav Ovadiah Yosef quotes an authority who raises questions about bar mitzvah invitations. In Yechaveh Da’as (2:29), Rav Yosef quotes Rav Avraham Musafya who says that the practice in...

    The opening section of Parshat Ki Tavo is framed by the encounter with financial success. Having cultivated a successful harvest, a person presents his finest fruits to the Mikdash amidst fanfare and festivity. The...

    Ingredients: 3/4 cup all-purpose flour 3/4 teaspoon baking powder Pinch of salt 4 large apples (I used Honeycrisp but you can use any variety), peeled, cored, and diced in 2-inch pieces. 2 large eggs 3/4 cup granulated sugar 3 tablespoons...

    In the Shemone Esrei, we pray to Hashem, “Toka b’shofar godol lecheiruseinu, Blow the great and mighty shofar to herald our emancipation.” We plead with Hashem to utilize this awesome shofar that will...