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    One Friday morning, about a month ago, I awoke late.  The evening before, I was working till the wee hours of the morning and slept through my alarm clock.  Staten...

    The Gemara in Yevamos, daf samech daled tells us that Hashem listened to the tefillah of Yitzchok and not to the tefillah of Rivkah. The tefillah of a tzaddik who...

    Thanking God should be a normal part of a religious life. We are beneficiaries of so many divine gifts—from the time we wake up each morning with our full physical...

    The posuk says that upon arriving at the home of Rivkah, Eliezer said, “I can’t eat until I speak first.” The question arises; why could he not eat until he...

    Rav Yosef Eliyahu Henkin (d. 1973) was the leading halachic decisor in America of his day. He was the address for the most difficult halachic problems. Additionally, as the President...

    A posuk in this week’s parsha tells us that Hashem visited Avrohom in middle of the day; at the hottest point of the day. The Gemara in Nedarim, daf mem,...

    NAME: Jefrey John Hornacek Born May3 1963 (age 53)  in Elmhurst, Illinois Title: Head coach of the New York Knicks Career history As player: 1986–1992Phoenix Suns 1992–1994Philadelphia 76ers 1994–2000Utah Jazz As coach: 2011–2013Utah Jazz (assistant) 2013–2016Phoenix Suns 2016–presen New York KnicksSalary:$5,000,000 What...

    Public attention has recently been drawn to the skyrocketing price of EpiPens, which has risen almost 400% since being acquired in 2007 by pharmaceutical company Mylan. EpiPens quickly and easily...