Salmon is a versatile fish that is very healthy and high in Omega 3s and vitamins. Try this recipe for a delicious and nutritious meal. Round it out with a...
Salmon is a versatile fish that is very healthy and high in Omega 3s and vitamins. Try this recipe for a delicious and nutritious meal. Round it out with a...
REMEMBERING REBBETZIN MIRIAM LIBBY WEISS – PART 11-13 Since a wedding anniversary is a celebration of one’s union, Miriam Libby and I would do something special together every year. This...
I. HAPPINESS ISN’T UNIVERSAL Many people feel that their lives are enriched by Judaism. Their rituals and holidays bring joy and meaning while deepening their marriage and family ties. The...
Tosfos in Meseches Bava Metziya, daf kuf yud daled refers to the story of how Eliyahu Hanavi went and was mechaye meisim to the son of Tzarfis. Tosfos asks the following question. How was Eliyahu Hanavi able to be metamei to do techiyas hameisim if he...
I. THE MARRIAGE In 1527, in a courtyard in Egypt, a young Jewish man gave a young Jewish woman a wedding ring against her father’s wishes. Or at least that is...
Since a wedding anniversary is a celebration of one’s union, Miriam Libby and I would do something special together every year. This past Shabbos would have been our 35th anniversary,...
Lag Ba’omer is a day of celebration on the 33rd day of the Omer a time period of mourning between Pesach and Shavuot. It is typically celebrated with outdoor casual activities and BBQ....
Michael Conforto, enjoyed a breakout 2017 season before tearing a capsule in his left shoulder in late August. He batted .279 with 27 home runs and 68 RBIs in just...
I. WHICH CHARITY? Many people in the Jewish community have achieved varieties of financial success, allowing them the privilege of supporting many charities. This raises questions of communal and philanthropic priorities....
Rav Tanchuma says in the name of Reish Lakis Yerushalmi, Shavuos, Perek Alef, halacha heh that when Hashem told Moshe to be “misvadeh” his sins, Moshe began to say the...