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    I. Forbidden Images With Barbie in the news, it is an opportunity to discuss the halachic implications of Barbie dolls. From the perspective of hashkafah, there is much to discuss about the unrealistic body dimensions of Barbie dolls and...

    It is told that in 1957, a large edifice in Tibet needed to be relocated, and so all the furniture, including a large, ancient clay statue, had to be moved. As the people were carrying this...

    Parashat Shoftim begins with the command to appoint judges throughout the land: “Shoftim Ve’shoterim Titen Lecha.” While the simple meaning of this Pasuk is that it refers to courtroom judges, there is also an additional level of interpretation. The...

    The Sefer Ha’Ikrim teaches: Just as we are certain the sun will shine tomorrow morning, that is the degree of certainty we should have that Hashem will help us. In fact, we are so confident that Hashem will help that...

    Dear Rabbi and Shira, I am dating an Instagram influencer. She’s sweet, beautiful, and “geschikt.” It might sound amazing but the problem is my life is not my own anymore. Whenever we...

    “Re’eh – Look – See. I set before you today bracha, blessing and klalla, curse.” (Devarim 11:28). Moshe is speaking to Bnei Yisroel, placing before them two totally different life paths. One of blessing and...