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    Noach’s teivah was large. It was 300 amos long, 50 amos wide, and 30 amos high. It needed to be large to contain all the animals. Nevertheless, the Ramban (Bereishis 6:19) says...

    One of the main staples of the holiday of Pesach is the Matzah. We are all familiar with the Matzah--a very thin, crunchy, yearsago,whileRabbiBenTzionMutsafi testified that up to 40 years ago,...

    Dear Rabbi and Shira, Hi. I read your column all the time. I hope you can help me. I’m not sure what to do. I’ve gone out with this guy several times....

    At the very end of the maggid section of the Haggadah, after we’ve gone through and discussed the story of our ancestors’ bondage in Egypt and the great miracle of Yetziat Mitzrayim, just before we drink the...

    I. Three Seder Practices Generally speaking, when it comes to the Pesach Seder, people know the details of their own family’s practices but not those of many other families. From conversation, they might know what different people eat...