Moshe Waited for the Call A verse in this week’s parsha says, “And G-d called to Moshe and He spoke to him...
Moshe Waited for the Call A verse in this week’s parsha says, “And G-d called to Moshe and He spoke to him...
For over 40 years, Nachum Segal has been the host of the Jewish Moments in the Morning (JM in the AM) radio program and of the Nachum Segal Network (NSN)....
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Hi. I read your column all the time. I hope you can help me. I’m not sure what to do. I’ve gone out with this guy several...
INGREDIENTS: 4 large eggs 2 cups sugar 1 cup oil 1/2 tsp salt 3/4 cup cocoa 1 cup potato starch 1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips DIRECTIONS: Preheat oven to 350°. Spray 9x9 pan with non-stick cooking spray. Set aside....
“HaChodesh hazeh lachem rosh chodoshim...
The Key To Success Is Initiative Parshas Vayakhel contains a verse describing the people who came forth in the construction of the Tabernacle: “Every man whose heart inspired him (asher nesa’o...
I. Lashon Ha-Ra With Legs The idea that derogatory speech can go viral — a post, video or message can be forwarded thousands of times — should more than ever bring...
One of the features of the Mishkan which Beneh Yisrael built in the desert was the kiyor – the special faucet which stood by the entrance to the Mishkan.The kohanim...
Upon reading Parashat Vay-akhel, we cannot help but be struck – and perplexed – by the Torah’s ver-bosity. The Torah laboriously repeats all the details regarding the construc-tion of the...
The Gemara (Brachos 26:) teaches that Yitzchak established tefillas Minchah, as it states (Bereishis 24:63), “Yitzchak went to daven in the field towards evening.”Tur (232) writes, “One must be very...