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    Some may argue that lashon hara is the worst aveirah of the Torah. As the Gemara (Yoma 9:) writes,  "  the,                        aveirah of baseless hatred [and lashon hara] is equivalent to the three cardinal...

     Catskills Hatzalah is the largest all-volunteer Ambulance Service in the Catskills, providing premium quality prehospital emergency medical treatment and ambulance transport at no cost to all who need it. Catskills...

     This week’s parshah tells us of Balak, King of Moav, and Bilaam, a sorcerer and practitioner of black magic. Balak saw Bnei Yisroel’s large encampment, their vast number of tents, and...

     As summer approaches there is an annual migration to our favorite vacation spots. In the tristate area, over a half million people make the annual pilgrimage to the Catskills summer...

     I. Close Your Ears The Gemara in Kesubos (5a-b) says, “What does it mean: ‘And you shall have a shovel among your weapons (azenekha)’ (Deut. 23:14)? Do not read it as:...

    In this weeks parasha, Parashat Balak, the prophet Bilam, who intended to curse the Jewish people, looked out upon them and declared "How fair are your tents, O Jacob, Your dwellings, O Israel" (Bamidbar 24:5). In many prayer books, the...

    There are many halachos which apply to leaving food in the hands of a non-Jew. Is there a difference between sending food in the hands of a non-Jew and basar shenisalem min ha’ayin? Which foods does this halacha apply...