JEWISH VUES IS PROUD TO WELCOME TORAH IQ TO ITS AMAZING GROUP OF WEEKLY CONTRIBUTORS Torah IQ is a sefer full of over 1500 riddles and brainteasers. The sefer, introduced in...
JEWISH VUES IS PROUD TO WELCOME TORAH IQ TO ITS AMAZING GROUP OF WEEKLY CONTRIBUTORS Torah IQ is a sefer full of over 1500 riddles and brainteasers. The sefer, introduced in...
A visitor to a supermarket is struck by the vast array of chocolate items for sale, such as candies, chocolate cake, chocolate milk, chocolate cookies and the like. There is...
The story is told of a young couple that moved into a new neighborhood. The next morning while they were eating breakfast, the young woman saw her neighbor hanging laundry...
The Mishna (Pesachim 116a) records the observance of the mitzvah of “sippur yetzias mitzrayim” on the first night of Pesach. “ Arami oveid avi” (normally recited in connection with the...
The Burning Bush and The Tanya The Inaugural Vision The inaugural vision in which Moses was appointed to become the leader of the Jewish Nation and its eternal teacher, we should assume,...
A rare opportunity is coming our way this Shabbos, December 25th, with the study of a new cycle of the global Mishnah Yomis, starting with Masechtas Berachos. Thousands of smart...
The Torah in Parashat Shemot tells of the heroism of the midwives of Beneh Yisrael, who defied Pharaoh’s edict ordering them to kill all newborn boys among the nation. These...
Parashat Shemot tells the story of Beneh Yisrael’s bondage in Egypt and Hashem’s appointing Moshe as the leader who would confront Pharaoh and bring the nation out of Egypt. Right...
I. Praying Quickly We are often told that the slower we pray, the better we pray. We have more intent, more time to think about the meaning of each word. But...
Yocheved Miraculously Becomes Young Again For Good Reason The pasuk says, “And a man went from the House of Levi and he married the daughter of Levi” [Shemos 2:1]. Rashi quotes...