Towards the end of Parshat Ki Tissa, Moshe is told by Hakadosh Baruch Hu that he will be giving him a two-part Torah - part biketav, in writing, and part...
Towards the end of Parshat Ki Tissa, Moshe is told by Hakadosh Baruch Hu that he will be giving him a two-part Torah - part biketav, in writing, and part...
In December of 2018, Yehoshua Zvi Hershkowitz passed away at the age of 92. You probably never heard his name and that is exactly how he wanted it. Mr. Hershkowitz...
Did you ever wonder why Olam HaBa isn’t mentioned in Tanach? The Vilna Gaon zt”l says that this is because for Hashem, Olam HaZeh is even more important. Dovid HaMelech...
I. Thirty Days Before A Holiday Holidays are much like other things in life in the sense that the more you put into it, the more you get out of...
Moshe descending from the mountain, clutching the Divine tablets is one of the most iconic images of the entire Torah. Finally, after close to two thousand and five hundred years,...
Parashat Ki-Tisa begins with the Misva of “Mahasit Ha’shekel” – the mandatory half-shekel tax that was imposed upon all members of Beneh Yisrael. The first time this tax was collected,...
With everything going on this year with covid, is the OU doing anything differently as far as watching over companies? We are very much operational. B”H we have been able...
In Shmos 30:12 the posuk teaches us that when counting the Jewish people, one must count them by collecting a coin from each person and the coins are then counted....
This past Thursday, attorney David Schoen, who led the defense of President Trump’s second impeachment hearing, was interviewed by Alan Skorski and Baila Sebrow, hosts of The Definitive Rap Podcast,...
It is hard to believe that this Taanis Esther will already be the 35th yahrzeit of the Rosh Yeshiva, H a G a o n , Rav Moshe Feinstein, Zt”l,...