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    Is one permitted to bathe, take a haircut or listen to music on Taanis Esther?  The Meiri (Sefer Magen Avos 23) writes that Taanis Esther is different than other communal fast...

    Amalek attacked us at our most vulnerable moment. Viciously assaulting the newly freed slaves in an empty wilderness, the cruel guerrilla armies of Amalek were out for blood. Valiantly defending...

    Dear Rabbi and Shira,  I love your column. Thanks for writing it! Up until now, I’ve been trying to meet someone the “old fashioned way.” I’d meet people at events, or...

    INGREDIENTS: For kreplach dough: 2 cups four Pinch of salt 2 eggs 1 T plus 1 t lukewarm water For the filling: ½ medium onion, chopped 1 lb. beef, chopped meat 1 egg Salt and pepper   DIRECTIONS: On Purim its traditional to...

    INGREDIENTS: 2 cups dry red wine 2/3 cups sugar 3 cinnamon sticks 5 wide strips of orange zest ½ teaspoon vanilla extract 4 medium Bosc pears, ripe but firm, peeled, stems left intact (about 6 oz....

    I think it’s safe to say that short of a Trump/Biden election, few events excite the collective Jewish community the way A Time for Music unfailingly does. And with good...