18 Aug Kashruth Questions of the Week
What bracha do you make on licorice? She’Hakol. It was never mezonos. Those that learned mesechtas brachos learned that any food that has one of the 5 grains is mezonos....
What bracha do you make on licorice? She’Hakol. It was never mezonos. Those that learned mesechtas brachos learned that any food that has one of the 5 grains is mezonos....
FIRST ANECDOTE: A man goes out with a woman on their first date. For the first three hours he talks only about himself, his history, accomplishments and interests. Finally, he...
The month of Elul is synonymous with teshuva- repentance. It is also a time when we increase our charity as best as we can. Smart people also make a strong...
One Person Serving as the Chazan For Multiple Minyanim for the Same Tefillah This year presents a unique problem for many communities, as there will be many more minyanim on...
I recently encountered an engaged young man, a friend of my son-in-law, and asked him where his kallah is. He responded, “We are not seeing each other today, because you...
The Torah in Parashat Shofetim presents the prohibition against trying to make use of any sort of magical powers: “For these nations whom you will be dispossessing listen to diviners...
It states (20:1) “When you go to war with your enemy and you see horses and chariots, a nation larger than yours, don’t be afraid…” The Rabbeinu Yonah (Shaarei Teshuvah...
The opening verse of Parshat Shoftim depicts the formation of a national and local judicial system. Judges are commanded to maintain impartiality and render truthful and accurate verdicts – “mishpat...
As Elul arrives and Rosh Hashanah approaches, we need to start thinking about teshuvah, about how we can build positively on all the events of tumultuous past year so that...
Dear Rabbi and Shira, I was wondering if you could help me. I got engaged to a sweet boy from Florida right before Covid began. As all girls, I had been...