15 Sep Davening for Mitzvos
In Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 583 we learn that one should eat various simanim on the night of Rosh Hashana. Upon eating black-eyed peas we say, “Yehi ratzon sheyirbu zechuyoseinu.”...
In Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 583 we learn that one should eat various simanim on the night of Rosh Hashana. Upon eating black-eyed peas we say, “Yehi ratzon sheyirbu zechuyoseinu.”...
A few summers ago, my wife, Yocheved and I were in a remarkable s u p e r m a r k e t . The supermarket was larger than...
The Midrash (Vayikra Rabba) teaches that on Rosh Hashanah, G-d sits on the "throne of judgment," ready to carefully judge and scrutinize every individual. But when we sound the shofar,...
There are so many sacred memories that stay with us from the special time that we spend in Yeshiva in Israel. I was privileged to spend one year at Yeshivas...
As we approach the Yom Hadin, I am being asked many questions regarding the Yomim Noraim and Succos so I have drafted some general guidelines for Rabbanim and lay leaders...
This month many of the bakeries sell raisin challah. Many local bagel stores recently stopped selling cinnamon raisin bagels. Are raisins kosher to eat? The OU’s position is that raisins are...
THE LAST WISH On Rosh Hashanah night, the Kazaks captured the rabbi, the cantor and the president of the synagogue, and granted them a final wish before they would be put...
In parshas Haazinu, the Torah proclaims about Hashem, “HaTzur, tamim pa’alo – The Rock (a metaphor for Hashem Who is solid and stable like a rock), perfect are His ways.”...
The Talmud (Berachos 47b) describes the process of becoming a talmid chochom as consisting of three parts: One must be 1) koroh 2) v’shonah and 3) v’shimeish talmidei chachomin. Koroh means...
Just one step Sometimes, taking just one step forward in avodas Hashem will make all the difference. Consider what happens when two people are rushing into an elevator, but one of...