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    INGREDIENTS: 3 large carrots, chopped 2 large onions, chopped 1 package meat bones 1 package whole Grunkern 12 qts chicken broth Salt and pepper to taste DIRECTIONS: Do you have a memory of food from your youth? I have so many - including...

    The “Ki Tov” (That It Was Good) of Monday Was Delayed Until Tuesday The third day of Creation [Bereishis 1:9-13] is the only day in which the expression “G-d saw that it was good” is mentioned twice. This expression...

    Chumash Bereishis is also known as Sefer HaYashar – the Book of the Upright. This is because one of the primary aims of studying it is to learn from the ways of the Yesharim, the Righteous Ones that...

    Dear Rabbi and Shira, In high school we were told that when we start dating, never to talk to friends about it for multiple reasons such as it can cause jealousy or...

    Rebbe Yisrael of Ruzhin taught: Everything in the Torah is contained in chumash Bereishis. [The average person will not recognize it, but concealed in the words of chumash Bereishis are all the halachos and lessons stated...

    Whenever an author or artist completes his work, he makes a point of appending his signature to the work. Somewhere on the title page of a book or a corner of a painting, we will find...

    A woman in her seventies had a heart attack and was taken to the hospital. While on the operating table she had a near death experience. She had the opportunity to ask Hashem, “Is my time up?” Hashem...