This Shabbos, we read two parshiyos, Mattos and Masei. Masei...
This Shabbos, we read two parshiyos, Mattos and Masei. Masei...
In Parashat Matot, G-d commands Moshe to lead a war against Midyan, who initiated a scheme to lead Beneh Yisrael to sin which resulted in the deaths of thousands of people among the nation. The Midrash notes that...
Ramban: Why was Parshas Nedarim given over specifically to “Roshei haMatos?” Our parsha begins with Moshe Rabbenu telling the Jewish people the laws of Nedarim. The beginning of the parsha is unique in that it begins with the...
We recite kriyas Shema at least four times a day: (1) before the korbanos, (2) at Shacharis, (3) at Maariv, and (4) at kriyas Shema She’al HaMittah. It is of utmost importance to say the Shema with kavanah. Shulchan Aruch (61) writes,...
In Parashat Matot, we read about two tribes – Reuven and Gad – who came to Moshe Rabbenu with a request. They wanted to permanently settle in the area east of the Jordan River that Beneh Yisrael...
Rabbi Lavi Greenspan is known for five things: 1- He became blind at the age of 26, after developing a tumor. 2- His life has taken many twists, but he has more faith in Hashem than...
Parashat Pinhas is, in the vast majority of years, read during the period of the Three Weeks, when we begin observing certain restrictions in solemn commemoration of the destruction of the Bet Ha’mikdash. Rav Abraham Yehoshua Heschel of...
SHIVASAR B’TAMUZ IS THIS THURSDAY JULY 6 Many people feel that a fast day is a day to sleep and relax. However, a fast day is really a time for retrospecting and doing teshuva. Many different halachos are...
Bnei Yisroel’s days in the desert were coming to a close. It would soon be time to enter Eretz Yisroel. This is the backdrop to the story of Tzelafchad’s daughters, found in this week’s...
It is both a privilege and an obligation to at- tend shul. However, sometimes a commu- nity finds it necessary to expel a member. Under what conditions is it per- missible to tell someone he is no longer...