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    Years ago, someone gave me a Tony Robbins cd to listen to. I was excited to hear what one of the most inspirational people of modern times would have to say and how it could change my life...

    Rav Aryeh Levin was known as the tzadik of Yerushalayim, the righteous man of Jerusalem. He was incredibly pious, kind, and a great scholar. He lived in the quaint area of Nachlaot, right behind the shuk in Machaneh...

    The end of Parshas Emor contains the tragic incident of the Megadef (Blas- phemer). Moshe and the rest of the Jewish people did not initially know the appro- priate punishment for one who cursed the Name of G-d,...

    Parashat Emor begins with the special laws that apply to the Kohanim. The commentators noted that the Torah opens this section with a seemingly redundant phrase: “G-d said to Moshe: Speak to the Kohanim, the sons of Aharon,...

    In the third chapter of Pirkeh Avot (Mishnah 10), we read: Sleep in the morning, wine in the afternoon, childish chatter, and the ignoramus’ sitting in the synagogues – bring a person out of the world. The Mishnah...

    INGREDIENTS: Chocolate Iced Cake Yellow, Red, & Orange hard candy Rolled wafer cookies DIRECTIONS: Use your favorite chocolate cake recipe.Baking in 2 9 inch rounds. Frost the cake with a chocolate icing. To make the candy ames: 1. Crush...

    I. Avoiding Similar Names It is hard to find a lifemate. Part of the so-called “Shidduch Crisis” is the limitations we impose on potential spouses, even among those within the same social circles. One of these limitations is a...

    Lag B’omer Lag B’omer is a day which people celebrate with great simcha and joy. What is the reason for this great celebration? When does it start? At night or by day? Why do so many people go to Meron...